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Closing the Case: Update on Motorola Solutions 2021 ITC Patent Claims

June 15, 2023

Motorola’s patent infringement case against Verkada is now officially over, ending with a complete win for Verkada.

After the International Trade Commission (ITC) issued its final ruling against Motorola in March (rejecting all of its claims of patent infringement), Motorola had the option to appeal that ruling. Last week, Motorola confirmed to Verkada that it would not be filing an appeal, effectively ending their case against Verkada and accepting defeat.

We are very pleased with the final outcome of this case and remain focused on building best-in-class products to help our customers protect their people and property.

March 31, 2023

Today, the International Trade Commission (ITC) issued its final ruling in the case and rejected all of Motorola’s patent infringement claims against Verkada. This is a complete win for Verkada.

We are very pleased with the outcome of this case and remain focused on building best-in-class products to help our customers protect their people and property.

If Motorola chooses to appeal this ruling, we will continue to fight against Motorola’s meritless claims and not allow the litigation to act as a distraction from our commitment to our partners and customers.

January 12, 2023

We are very pleased with today’s announcement from the International Trade Commission (ITC) regarding the patent infringement complaint Motorola filed against Verkada in 2021.

In October, an ITC judge ruled that none of our products infringe the patents that Motorola asserted in its complaint – except for one old software feature that we do not sell anymore.

Today, the ITC made two announcements:

  • It will not review any parts of the judge’s October ruling that Motorola asked them to review.

  • However, it will review, at our request, the part of the ruling which found that our old design infringes.

Given today’s announcement, the ITC’s final ruling on March 23, 2023 will either find that none of our technology (past or present) infringe Motorola’s patents or uphold the judge’s October ruling (that an old software design that we don’t sell any more infringes). No matter the ruling, there should continue to be no impact on our customers.

As always, we continue to be laser-focused on building best-in-class products that set a new standard for enterprise building security and have not allowed this suit to be a distraction.

October 25, 2022

Yesterday, an ITC judge ruled that not a single one of Verkada’s products infringes the patents that Motorola Solutions asserted against us last year – except for one old software feature that Verkada does not use anymore (rendering that part of the ruling meaningless, with no impact on us or our customers). This ruling, while preliminary, is an important first step in Verkada ultimately prevailing against Motorola’s meritless lawsuit.

Right now, there is limited non-confidential information that we can share, but Verkada expects a public version of the judge’s 286-page ruling to issue within a few weeks, at which point our customers, partners, and the industry at large will be able to see for themselves that the rulings are in Verkada’s favor and that any other interpretation of the outcome is misleading.

We remain laser-focused on building best-in-class products that set a new standard for enterprise building security and have not allowed this suit to be a distraction.